Someone asked me yesterday why am I not retiring? You see I just turned 70 last year and I sold my brick and mortar spa, The Novita Spa and Medical Rejuvenation Clinic. Most people would “retire.” That is what most people would do.


I answered her that I am very blessed to know my purpose, passion and talent!

My Purpose is to help others identify their dreams goals and desires. To gain their Clarity.
My Passion is to help people actualize these dreams, goals and desires.
My Talent is to create. To create for me to share with you.

I am going to take you on a journey just over the horizon.

Friends, it’s never too early or too late to create the life of your dreams! Never.

I want to share a few things with you. I have a skin care brand that I have been creating since 1992. It continues to be sold to salons, spas and medical spas worldwide. It truly changes all people’s skin. I say it is for anyone from 8-108 who has skin. It is for all skin types and conditions. The Novita Spa Clinicals truly makes a difference in people’s lives. They are available at

Why would I stop making these products and helping others?
I have trained 100’s of people to gain clarity in and on their careers.
Why would I stop doing that? 

I will change the mode of how I am doing this. I am EVOLVING once again. I am using the technology we have today.

1. My Course

I am launching a virtual business course soon.
It will be called “Propel: Start, Scale & Sustain the Business and Life of your Dreams.”
Stay Tuned!
2. My Show and Podcast

I am doing livestreams on Facebook and YouTube weekly. I have also recently started a podcast on iTunes and all the other podcast platforms. My show is called “Unique Leaders Live: It’s All About You!” I interview unique leaders who share their unique stories that have brought them to where they are today. The secrets to their success is in their stories.
I would love you to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and listen to my podcast on iTunes with a 5 star review, this will help my content reach others and bless them.

Last week I was very blessed to interview Sharon Lechter. I am going to put her bio here.
Sharon is amazingly successful but very transparent with her journey. You don’t want to miss her unique story. Watch here!
By the way she is in her late 60’s and is publishing her latest book Exit Rich.

Retire? As Sharon says REFIRE!

I have 20 year olds say to me, “I don’t know what I want to do. It’s too late.”
It’s NEVER Too Early or Too Late to Create the Life of Your Dreams!

Hope and Possibilities

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”  Martin Luther King Jr.

I am here to help you get clarity, now!
Want to find your clarity? Sign up for a discovery call with me!

Bless on,